Program for Women in Recovery
Recovery, Transition, Restoration
Providing education, empowerment, enlightenment, and healing, we’re dedicated to providing safe and supportive housing to support recovery, transition, and restoration for women recovering from addictions.
Explore Programs
A CARF Three-Year Accreditation has been awarded LTC for Level III.I and OP programs! This is the highest level of accreditation awarded by CARF International. CARF accreditation demonstrates LTC’s quality, accountability, and commitment to the satisfaction of the women we serve.
Recovery Is Possible
At Light of Truth Center women live as a family unit supporting their own and each other’s recovery process. Our recovery system comprises a continuum of services which involves our unique three fold process of: Recovery, Transition, Restoration.
- Go To Admission
Women are admitted to our program through a referral process. Every referral is reviewed on a case-by-case basis with required form submissions and approval via a clinical assessment.
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Innovative Program
We provide recovery support to women recovering from drugs and alcohol by providing transitional housing, OP, and other support services and referrals to outside services.
- Serve With Us
Light Keeper Service
We are blessed to have individuals that serve from a place of compassion and kindness, thereby, making an impact and difference in the lives of the women within the Light of Truth Center.
- Schedule Test
Test Site
Through our newly developed endeavor, we are an avenue for learning for the Community as an ISO Quality Test Site. LTC provides a secure, user-friendly environment for computerized examinations for all credentialing bodies at our Test Site location.
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3C Recovery
Light of Truth Center dba 3C Recovery Support Training Institute is the training arm of the Light of Truth Center. 3C is an academy that specializes in training and support for individuals and organizations desiring to provide services to people with substance use disorders and mental health challenges.
- Learn More about MPAC
MPAC Partnership
The Maryland Peer Advisory Council (MPAC) is a peer-run advocacy, outreach, & training program for individuals, families, allies, faith-based community members, and advocate supporters on local, state, and national levels.
Service Engagements
Year of Services
0+Service Hours
500+Fundraiser Conference
Serve With Us
Through the generous support of our community, partners, lightkeepers, and friends, we do make a difference in the lives of the women we serve. We invite you to join us! There are so many ways in which you can get involved and impact change
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